Random Liberals

We are random liberals (who knew?). Collectively, we make up the greatest blog in the history of ourselves. We will blog about anything that suits us; mostly politics, with a little bit of religion and randomness to make the blog exciting.


Monday, March 29, 2004

Lawsuit filed by the descendents of slaves

A $1 billion lawsuit was filed today in New York by descendents of slaves against eight U.S. and British corporations for profiting on the genocide of their ancestors. This is going to be tough to win. According to the story, a similar suit was dismissed by a federal judge in Chicago in January.

The anti-corporationist in me really really wants this suit to succeed. However, I just don't see how the plaintiffs are going to be able to get a judge to allow this suit to go through. Fair or not, most judges are going to say that too much time has passed, and that old wounds don't need reopening. The public will also be hostile to the claims of the plaintiffs, by and large. Unfortunately, I do not think the suit will even make it to trial.



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